Friday, December 5, 2008


I'm putting together R2D2

After I took this apart I zapped myself when I plugged it in. I said it was a bad thing. I was like oh great. I was gonna teleport a little bead that was on it.

I wanted to use these parts for my R2D2

I was gonna use this for the teleporter.

Introducing me

My name is David and I'm 6 years old. I have a little brother Daniel. I like to watch Star Wars the clone wars. I like to play path of the jedi on the cartoon network. I started Kindergarten this year. My teacher is nice. hmm I love to play the wii. I'm building a speaker. I meant a music player. I am a very good scientist. I lift weights. I saw the birds flying blah blah blah cause I can't remember that word. The end.

A little note from Hannah:

David saw my blog and got really excited about the idea of doing his own so here is a collection of his thoughts and ideas.